Wednesday, 26 October 2011

You beauty

One of my gorgeous friends used to joke that 'beauty is pain' whenever we wanted to justify silly things like wearing painfully high heels or heading out in small dresses when it was freezing cold. Times have changed a bit since then, and while I still dabble in the high heels, I no longer (even jokingly) accept a high price for beauty  (personally, financially, or environmentally). Focusing on the financial for a minute, here are a few pretty finds that won't break the bank.

Sunday, 23 October 2011

Friends with Benefit

What can you do with 15 minutes, some hot wax and a pink wig?...Create beautiful brows, apparently.

And that's just what happened a couple of nights ago when I visited the Benefit Brow Bar in Myer Melbourne.

Above: before the treatment, and one day afterwards.