Wednesday, 26 October 2011

You beauty

One of my gorgeous friends used to joke that 'beauty is pain' whenever we wanted to justify silly things like wearing painfully high heels or heading out in small dresses when it was freezing cold. Times have changed a bit since then, and while I still dabble in the high heels, I no longer (even jokingly) accept a high price for beauty  (personally, financially, or environmentally). Focusing on the financial for a minute, here are a few pretty finds that won't break the bank.

1. Target sales - $14 heels

These cute shoes were $40, down to $25 and then reduced to a stunning $14 at the register. Hello New-Summer-Shoes!!

 It's always worth a look in shops such as Target every so often. Their products are on-trend, super reasonably-priced and mostly very reasonable quality.

2. Chi Chi Exhibitionist Lipstick - $14

A friend rocked up to drinks a couple of years ago wearing a stunning red lipstick. When I inquired where she'd bought it, I was surprised to find out that it was a steal from Chi Chi. For some reason, I'd never really explored the brand before, but absolutely loved the lipstick, called 'Exhibitionist'. It is a long-lasting, matte, mid-range red. Not too warm and not too cool, I think that it would suit most skin tones.

On a whim, I went looking for 'Exhibitionist' after a tiring week of work. I was delighted to find that it was still in the product range and merely $14 on sale. I slicked it on and fluffed up my hair (in a manner that my hairdresser likes to call 'bush hair', but I prefer to think of as 'bedhead'). The Red-lipped Bedhead-Lady-from the-Bush-Look got compliments all night: $14 well spent.

3. Beauty Bets Sea Salt Spray

Logic and beauty products are sometimes very uneasy bedfellows. With that in mind, and at the risk of making things awkward, can I ask something that's been on my mind for a while?...What is the deal with Sea Salt Spray?... Hasn't anyone heard of plain sea water?

Yes, yes, yes...I know, I know. Salt spray products smell like tiki bars with tropical cocktails and cute, coconut-doused bartenders. Which is preferable to smelling like brown seawater from a beach full of decaying seaweed and fish. I get it. And I do love that darned gorgeous Bumble and Bumble surf spray with its pretty packaging. However, I was very pleased to stumble across a recipe for homemade sea salt spray from Beauty Bets - which smells like coconut!! Eminently sensible, yet with the sparkle of a summer holiday. Heaven.

4. Online shopping

I love shopping local, but sometimes I just can't go past the vast discounts and great range provided by international, online stores. I'm currently in love with Vitacost, which has a great range of organic products. (At the moment, I trying a naturally whitening toothpaste and an organic salicylic acid treatment at half the price).

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