Sunday, 29 April 2012

Good-Gorman: it's a warehouse sale!!

For anyone who like a sale, the Gorman warehouse sale was the bomb-diddly of all sales. Walking through the gates of what shall forever be known in my mind as "Gorman Land", I felt like Charlie entering the Chocolate Factory for the first time. A huge room and a whole outdoor courtyard were sprawled with an abundance of brightly-coloured skirts, pretty dresses, sequinned tops and high heels - all at amazing prices.

My first instinct was to run desperately into the fray and wrench a pair of delightful, high-waisted cotton-lace shorts from a student with tortoiseshell glasses and a top-knot. But I refrained. After all, there was plenty to go around for everyone. Literally, plenty.

A subdued tension permeated the air as hundreds of women stalked their prey, carrying bundles of hoarded items. An occasional man languished on the periphery or attempted to assist in the search for the perfect item.

I really, really wanted the leather platforms pictured above. In fact, I had pined for them when they first came out in-store. Thankfully my mother convinced me that an extra 10cm of height would make me, well, literally have to look down on most people. I would be a well-dressed and thrifty gargantuan-lady, but a bit scary all the same.

As the red fog of sale-panic gradually subsided, I managed to escape with only a dress, a silk onesie...and of course, those high waisted shorts. Keep an eye out for future warehouse sales on Three Thousand. I highly recommend a visit.

Saturday, 28 April 2012

Time to move on...

A girl in a cute outfit at the Gorman sale. She's got the right idea: keep it moving.
The past couple of weeks have swept in some very big changes. Changes which, if all goes well, could be very exciting. Keep you fingers crossed for me!

In the meantime, here's a few things that have been keeping me happy.

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Sugar can be good for you...

Better than wax, anyway.

Last night I tried "sugaring", the traditional, home-made alternative to waxing. I don't have any pictures (because I was busy sugaring) - but I still have to report on the success of my experiment.

After doing a bit of reading, I started with this recipe but reduced it by a quarter. The recipe is so simple:

  • white sugar;
  • lemon juice; and
  • water,
in proportions of 8:1:1, respectively. While it was boiling, I watched the mixture like a hawk and stirred continuously until I had a dark-caramel, sweet-smelling, bubbling mixture. To test the consistency, I dropped it into a glass of cold water and took it off the heat when it 'balled up' in the water.

When the mixture had cooled down sufficiently (by which I mean that it was not too hot when I applied it on the back of my hand - not just when I touched it with my finger) I experimented with a little bit on my leg. I used a strip of an old sheet as the backing. I think that it's best to do this in the bathroom where you can splash water around (and because tiles are easiest to clean sugar-mixture off!) 

In short, I found it far less painful and much easier than traditional at-home waxing. I've you've got an extra 20 minutes to cook up a sweet, toffee-like concoction and you don't mind DIY waxing, this is definitely worth a try.

I've been doing my own touch-ups for years with wax strips, which (in retrospect) seemed to stick to the skin as aggressively as they did to the hair itself. The sugar 'wax' on the other hand, peels right off the skin with minimal pain. And the best thing; it can be washed off the skin! Once you've made yourself a batch you can also re-heat and re-use it - the only precaution is really making sure that it's cool enough before you apply it to the skin. However, if it's still a bit hot (or if you make a mistake) you can just run it under water and it melts right off. And to top it all off, it uses ingredients which are cheap and readily available. Brilliant!

If you're interested, try this recipe here: or experiment with other online variations, such as those containing honey. Just make sure to see if you like it with a small batch first. Good luck!

Saturday, 14 April 2012

Great-Grandmother's Bad-Hair-Day Fix

When I have a 'bad hair day' I usually turn to the trusty silk scarf to hid my laziness, lack of inspiration or lateness. However, for the most extreme days, I've just discovered the 1920s classic - the turban. The ladies back then knew what they were doing - this little gem hides it all in mere seconds.  In addition, it can also be a cute evening look with big earrings or a bold necklace. I've been zealously experimenting with variations:

"The Everyday"...Roots? What roots?!

Never contend with boring conversation at parties ever again. Just pull your (preferably bejewelled) turban down, smile and  have another drink.
"The Rio"

Friday, 13 April 2012

Rave: natural self tanner

Summer or winter, I find it hard to put aside my tanner. For my skin, things just look a little bit better, bronzer.

However, I'm not so keen on the weekly application of preservatives, thickeners, slip agents, fragrances and colours. So I was delighted when I found Caribbean Solutions Beach Colours self tanner - a simple, natural formulation that smells like watermelon and bronzes with the best of them.

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

The Latest

A few quick, easy creative pieces that have been keeping me occupied.

Painted collar-tips, inspired by Cue's winter collection
Stick the Orchid languishing on his new pedestal, made entirely from old Marie Claire magazines.  From this awesome video
My starburst mirror with the addition of kitchen skewers (and painted black). If I get bored of it, I can still use it as a wonderful centrepiece for bits of fruit, or perhaps barbecued meat.

Monday, 9 April 2012

The stylish Northerners

There's no denying it. Those Sydney-siders know how to have a good time.

Cockatoo Island

Sunday, 8 April 2012

Happy Easter!!

Is it that time already?...
I love that we have a holiday where we indulge in all the sweet things in life. Why not soak it up with a trip to the indulgent Hopetoun tearooms in Melbourne city...Lime tart with your easter egg, anyone?!

Friday, 6 April 2012


The other day I was early for an appointment. Properly, 15 or 20 minutes early. This hasn't occurred in possibly 18 months or more.

To use up a bit of time, I grabbed a takeaway coffee and went for a short stroll. While I was admiring the neighbourhood and generally giving myself a pat on the back for being so damn organised, it occurred to me how nice it was to have nothing to do. Nowhere to be. No-one to see. No rushing. For at least 15 minutes.

Temporary tattoo from my favourite, Tattly. For some reason, this one really took my fancy.