Saturday, 30 April 2011

Not another...highlighter

I have a confession: I actually don't like having a lot of makeup lying around (not that my flatmate would be able to tell). But really - if I don't use something regularly it generally just moulders away in the back of a cupboard and lives out its days in obscurity. So when I was given a NARS highlighter, I didn't hold out a lot of hope that it would get much air-time, given that I already have a stack of highlighters and bronzers in the aforementioned cupboard. However much to my surprise, this little gem soon made its way into high rotation on my makeup dance-card.

I've been using The Multiple in 'South Beach', which comes in a natty roll-up stick that's a dream to apply. It has a silky, dry-touch texture and the most downright magical way of making you look both bronzed and luminous all at the same time (seriously, I haven't quite figured out the optics of it yet). Plus, there's something quite fantastic about being able to slick it on your cheeks and eyes and run out of the house with nary a speck more makeup on (...Oh, but I do recommend watching the blending. I have found myself getting perhaps a little too lazy and forgetting that vital step)... This one is definitely a keeper... Now if only it could shop for groceries and clean my bathroom as well...

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